Your reliable partner
                             for audit and tax
call: 222 221 894


We base our work on the long term professional and fair relations with clients. Lots of both local and international companies trust our work. You can join our satisfied clients as well. We would provide you with calm and certainty.

- Toyota Peugeot Citroen Automobile Czech, s.r.o.
- Ministerstvo práce a sociálních věcí,
- Auto Infinity a.s.
- S Pro Alfa CZ a.s.
- Bushman company, a.s.
- CDV služby s.r.o.
- Centra, a.s.
- Lobkowicz Event Management, s.r.o.
- Advokátní kancelář Kubištová & Co., v.o.s.
- Brema s.r.o.
- Česká inspekce životního prostředí
- Okresní hospodářská komora
- Glopolis o.p.s.
- Aspekt o.s.

Wrote about us:

„Dear director,
I would like to thank you for many years of cooperation between our high school of economics and AUDIT CZ s. r. o. I truly appreciate, that you enable our students to apply the knowledge gained during their studies in real practical engagements. It will be pleasure for us to continue with this cooperation in future years.“

Ing. Martina Jiránková, High School of Economics VOŠE and OA Kollárova 5

Wrote about us:

„ Analytical centre Glopolis, o.p.s. appreciates professionalism of AUDIT DANĚ CZ s. r. o. in performing both yearly statutory audits and audits of projects financed from European Union funds. We highly appreciate not only the conscientious audits but also the open communication without surprises. Company AUDIT DANĚ CZ, s.r.o. advises and helps us with matters relating to cooperation with our foreign partners and with particularities resulting from our non profit status.“

Ingrid Mitáčková, media and communication Glopolis, o.p.s

Wrote about us:

„Company AUDIT DANĚ CZ s. r. o. audits the project financed from European Social Fund – The improvement of inspectors’ activities which is realised by the Czech environmental inspection. In one word, our cooperation is excellent. Auditors react quickly and helpfully to all our requirements. During their personal visits in relation to intermediate audits they are kind and pleasant but very precise and uncompromising at the same time. The project is approaching towards its end phase which we believe will be as smooth as the whole audit.“

Mgr. Hana Škrlová, finance manager of the Czech environmental inspection project

Wrote about us:

„Auditorská firma AUDIT DANĚ CZ s. r. o. spolupracuje s OHK Liberec od roku 2011 na několika projektech financovaných Evropskou Unií. Spolupráce probíhá ve všech případech naprosto bez komplikací. Pracovnice, které několikrát prováděly v sídle OHK Liberec průběžný audit, byly vždy precizní a vstřícné, komunikace s firmou AUDIT DANĚ CZ s. r. o. byla bez nejmenších problémů. V případě potřeby dokázaly vysvětlit nejasnosti a přispět radou při řešení případných drobných nepřesností při vedení agendy projektu. Za spolupráci děkujeme.“

Vendulka Hamříková, projektový a finanční manažer OKRESNÍ HOSPODÁŘSKÁ KOMORA LIBEREC

Wrote about us:

„Our company has been cooperating with AUDIT DANĚ CZ s. r. o. for nearly five years. The approach of their team contributes during all audit phases to effective dealing with demanding work connected with financial statements preparation. We have always been very satisfied with their professional service, technical advice and last but not least with their human approach. “

Ing. Helena Kůsová, finance manager BUSHMAN COMPANY a.s.

Wrote about us:

„Our non profit company realises projects financed from European Social Fund which require audits. Cooperation with AUDIT DANĚ CZ s. r. o. started during the first project in 2010. The project documentation was inspected carefully and quickly. During the audit we also received particular recommendations on our accounting system improvements. Using this knowledge we improved accounting systems also for our other projects. We really appreciated the above standards willingness of audit professionals to bring solutions to the process of complex final settlement of the project. Based on this positive experience we started cooperation on another project.“

Mgr. Lenka Cole, project manager Aspekt, o.s.

Wrote about us:

„We cooperate with AUDIT DANĚ CZ s.r.o. on audits of statutory financial statements for several years. Above all, we appreciate the personal approach of the auditors. Our communication is always smooth and quick. We have proved experience with fast response in all cases of accounting related questions. We are very satisfied with services of AUDIT DANĚ CZ s.r.o..“

Pavel Matějka, director of Raiffeisen Investment, s.r.o.

We will be pleased to reply to your questions. Do not hesitate to contact us.

We help:

Poradenská linka Poradenská linka

We support:

VOŠ Kolárova
We support students from VoŠ Kollárova during their practical education



Tel: 222 221 894

Our services:

Audit of financial st.
Audit of money from EU
Tax services

About company:

About Us

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Blanická 1008/28
Praha 2, 120 00